Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Walk with Two Selves

This morning I tried a meditation exercise while on my walk. I have been reading Albert Haase’s book, Coming Home to Your True Self, and I wanted to try and unpack some of what he was saying. Specifically, I wanted to acknowledge my false selves (some of the ways I am false), then try to transition in prayer to my new self. It turned out to be a series of “I am ___” statements.

First, some of my false selves:

I am . . .

what others think of me;

what I have;

what I do;

my weight;

my intelligence, etc.

Then I tried switching to the new self:

I am . . .

chosen, beloved and redeemed in Jesus;

uniquely made;

never forsaken;

safe in his arms;

free from sin and all lies, etc.

At the end I felt more in touch with my true self than false; I acknowledged before the Lord that the cause of my false self is my feeling alone, abandoned and afraid. I asked the Lord to be with me in these places and I sensed his presence. It was a good exercise I think.

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