Friday, February 03, 2012

Things to Remember (Revised 2.3.12)

Needed to pour over this again today. This list will continue to grow, God willing, as I learn to fight, learn to surrender. Hope it is a blessing to others too.

  • My feelings of rejection and abandonment will be provoked today - It’s just a matter of when and how. What I do when they are provoked will determine what kind of person I become. It also reveals what I am trusting in.
  • When I feel afraid and alone, I remain in the Father’s arms. Nothing can separate me from his love. God is infinitely and forever on my side.
  • God is allowing these things to come to the surface so that He can heal me. There is a reservoir of pain inside, and with each activation the potential exists to receive healing and see that pool drain a little.
  • What you most want is to be loved, and to feel safe. Let God know what you want. Trust him to provide what you need.
  • Trust is difficult for you, and the Father knows this; have patience with yourself. His grace is endless.
  • Treat yourself as you would a hurting friend (esp. your created self, which is held prisoner by the old self). Take time to give gentle counsel from the new self.
  • You will fail. Have compassion on yourself and try again. Don’t give up, because your Father is faithful, patient and infinitely tender. God expects more failure from you than you do.
  • Running to food or lust only makes things worse, adds to the reservoir of pain. But, when you give in to them, don’t despair. God is waiting to forgive you. Come home.
  • God loves you as you are, not as you should be, because no one is as they should be (B.Manning).
  • God sometimes reserves his darkest nights for his dearest children, his tenacious ones.
  • You are dead to sin and to all expressions of your old/false selves. You are a new creation in Christ, the Beloved. You have the freedom and power to access this new self (2 Tim 1:7). You are seated in the heavenly places, a king-warrior seated beside your Father.
  • Your sufferings are carried by and find their home in the sufferings of Jesus. As deep as your wounds are, his are deeper. One of the biggest lies is that Jesus doesn’t know your pain and/or doesn’t care. This lie must be resisted with all your might!
  • No amount of praise from others is able to fill the emptiness in your soul.
  • There is no security in health or wealth. Surrender them often.
  • You have an enemy who seeks your destruction; but you abide in your elder brother Jesus who has already defeated him! Be strong!
  • Remember the four “G’s” from Tim Chester, You Can Change:
    • God is GREAT, so I don’t have to be in control.
    • God is GLORIOUS, so I don’t have to be afraid of what others think and say.
    • God is GOOD, so I don’t have to look elsewhere to find life.
    • God is GRACIOUS, so I don’t have to prove myself.

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