The Word Made Fresh: A Call for a Renewal of the Evangelical Spirit
To be evangelical is to be committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ–the Word incarnate–in all areas of life and to the supreme authority of the canonical Scriptures–the written Word–in all matters of faith and practice. To be evangelical also entails being characterized by an irenic, Christlike spirit of love toward those with whom we disagree and a cautious openness to the reform of tradition as the Spirit leads us to fresh understandings of the Word that are even more faithful to the entirety of God’s revelation. We oppose unfettered theological experimentation and accommodation to culture that threatens the gospel of Jesus Christ. But we also deplore a present tendency among some evangelicals to define the boundaries of evangelical faith and life too narrowly. For this reason, we call evangelical leaders and thinkers to make room for reverent exploration of new ideas and reconsideration of old ones without assuming too quickly that we know what Scripture clearly does and does not teach.Throughout history, evangelicals have courageously stood against attempts to compromise biblical faith. Unfortunately, passionate resistance to error has repeatedly also led to militant, separatistic habits of mind and heart from which evangelicals in the mid-twentieth century struggled to free the movement. We are concerned that some claimants to the evangelical heritage appear to be falling back into some of the more onerous attitudes of fundamentalism. Out of this concern, we call all evangelicals to acknowledge the value of the kind of genuine diversity and fresh reflection, grounded in the written Word and centered on the incarnate Word, that has always been the hallmark of the true evangelical spirit.
To this end, we call all evangelical leaders and thinkers not to reject out of hand constructive theological proposals that are reverently rooted in biblical reflection, even when they challenge aspects of what some consider to be the “received evangelical tradition.” Rather than a sign of decline, constructive theological endeavor and rigorous debate about theological issues are marks of evangelical theological vitality. Premature closure of dialogue and debate by means of condemnations and threats of exclusion, in contrast, disrupts community and often quenches the Spirit who brings new life and leads us toward ever more faithful readings of God’s Word. Therefore, we admonish all evangelicals to resist attempts to propagate rigid definitions of evangelicalism that result in unnecessary alienation and exclusion. And we call all evangelicals to affirm the genuine diversity and fresh reflection, rooted in the authority of the written Word and centered on the Word incarnate, that has always been the hallmark of the true evangelical spirit.
Let peace prevail among evangelicals. We pray not for peace at any price, but for peace and harmony among equally God-fearing, Bible-believing, Jesus-loving evangelical Christians who may find that they disagree about many secondary matters. We call all evangelicals to rediscover and honor the motto: “In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity.” May the irenic spirit of generous orthodoxy that has energized and unified the evangelical movement prevail in our evangelical theological discourse. And may all evangelicals seek to renew the broad, historic evangelicalism that honors the oneness of faith that unites all who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and submit to the authority of the Word.
William J. Abraham.
Albert Cook Outler Professor of Wesley Studies
Perkins School of Theology
Southern Methodist University
Dan Allender
Dean, Mars Hill Graduate School
Mark D. Baker
Assistant Professor of Mission and Theology
Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary
Craig Blomberg
Professor of New Testament
Denver Seminary
Barry Callen
University Professor of Christian Studies
Anderson University
M. Daniel Carroll R.
Professor of Old Testament
Denver Seminary
Craig Carter
Vice President, Academic Dean and Professor of Religious Studies
Tyndale College
Rodney Clapp
Editorial Director
Brazos Press
David Clark
Professor of Theology and Ethics
Bethel Theological Seminary
Charles J. Conniry
Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology
Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program
George Fox Evangelical Seminary
George Fox University
Stephen T. Davis
Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Claremont McKenna College
William A. Dyrness
Professor of Theology and Culture
Fuller Theological Seminary
C. Stephen Evans
University Professor of Philosophy and Humanities
Baylor University
Gordon D. Fee
Professor of New Testament Studies
Regent College
Doug Frank
Adjunct Professor of History
The Oregon Extension of Houghton College
John R. Franke
Associate Professor of Theology
Biblical Theological Seminary
Al Glenn
Professor of Theology and Apologetics
Fuller Theological Seminary
Joel B. Green
Dean of the School of Theology
Professor of New Testament Interpretation
Asbury Theological Seminary
Stanley J. Grenz
Pioneer McDonald Professor of Baptist Heritage, Theology and Ethics
Carey Theological College
Professor of Theology and Ethics
Regent College
Vernon Grounds
Denver Seminary
Douglas Harink
Professor of Theology
King’s University College
Christopher Hall
Professor of Theology
Eastern College
Fisher Humphreys
Professor of Divinity
Beeson Divinity School
Samford University
Douglas Jacobsen
Distinguished Professor of Church History and Theology
Messiah College
Alan F. Johnson
Professor of Theology
Wheaton College and Graduate School
Robert K. Johnston
Professor of Theology and Culture
Fuller Theological Seminary
Henry H. Knight
Associate Professor of Evangelism
Saint Paul School of Theology
D. Brent Laytham
Assistant Professor of Theology
North Park Theological Seminary
Randy L. Maddox
Paul T. Walls Professor of Wesleyan Theology
Seattle Pacific University
Gerald R. McDermott
Associate Professor of Religion and Philosophy
Roanoke College
Scot McKnight
Karl A. Olsson Professor in Religious Studies
North Park University
Nancey Murphy
Professor of Christian Philosophy
Fuller Theological Seminary
James Nelson
Professor of Theology
North Park University
Eric H. Ohlmann
Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Dennis Okholm
Professor of Theology
Wheaton College
Roger E. Olson
Professor of Theology
George W. Truett Theological Seminary
Baylor University
Alan G. Padgett
Professor of Systematic Theology
Luther Seminary
Tim S. Perry
Associate Professor of Theology
Providence College
Ronald W. Pierce
Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology
Talbot School of Theology
Biola University
Christine D. Pohl
Professor of Social Ethics
Asbury Theological Seminary
Daniel G. Reid
Senior Editor, Academic and Reference Books
InterVarsity Press
Kurt Anders Richardson
Boston University
Douglas R. Sharp
Professor of Christian Theology
Northern Baptist Theological Seminary
Lewis Smedes
Professor Emeritus
Fuller Theological Seminary
Klyne Snodgrass
Paul W. Brandel Professor of New Testament Studies
North Park Theological Seminary
Russell Spittler
Professor of New Testament
Fuller Theological Seminary
John Stackhouse
Sangwoo Youtong Chee Professor of Theology and Culture
Regent College
Glen Stassen
Professor of Ethics
Fuller Theological Seminary
Bryan Stone
E. Stanley Jones Professor of Evangelism
Boston University School of Theology
Don Thorsen
Professor of Theology
C. P. Haggard School of Theology
Azusa Pacific University
Terrance Tiessen
Professor of Theology and Ethics
Providence Theological Seminary
Leanne Van Dyke
Professor of Reformed Theology
Western Theological Seminary
Miroslav Volf
Henry B. Wright Professor of Systematic Theology
Yale Divinity School
Yale University
Jerry Walls
Professor of Philosophy and Religion
Asbury Theological Seminary
Robert Webber
William R. and Geraldyne B. Myers Chair of Ministry
Northern Baptist Theological Seminary
Timothy Weber
Dean and Professor of Church History
Northern Baptist Theological Seminary
Jonathan Wilson
Professor of Religious Studies
Westmont College
Ben Witherington
Professor of New Testament
Asbury Theological Seminary